Privacy Policy

Last Updated:  January 2024

Quatra recognizes the role of effective data management practices for both organizations and individuals. We provide a data analysis and artificial intelligence and collaboration platform (the “Services”). We value our relationships with our customers, users, and site visitors and know that data privacy is important. This privacy policy explains how and why we handle information collected through Quatra,, associated sites, forums, channels and other applications we provide (collectively, our “Site”). This privacy policy is part of our Terms of Use and our enterprise software agreements.

Terms and Definitions

Please familiarize yourself with key terms used in our descriptions of Quatra’s privacy practices contained within this privacy policy:

  • “Members” refer to individuals or business entities who register for an account with Quatra on the Site.
  • “Open” and “Private” refer to the distinct selection made by Members of the Site which relate to whether a Submission is publicly available or only viewable in private.
  • “Regulated Data” means information or data where the collection, use, and disclosure/sharing is subject to one or more laws effective in the jurisdiction of the person uploading a Submission. Regulated Data includes but is not limited to payment card data (credit, debit, or other payment card data); national identification numbers (for example, Social Security Numbers, Government Issued Identifiers); Personal Data, including Personal Data about persons under the age of 13; race or ethnicity, religious or philosophical beliefs, sex life, sexual orientation, political opinions, trade union membership, information about your health, and genetic and biometric data; criminal convictions or offenses; ‘Protected Health Information (PHI)’ as defined by HIPAA in the US; financial information pertaining to a natural living person; or any other data where publishing such data is prohibited under applicable law.
  • A “Submission” means any information, source code, content, or material that is submitted, uploaded, posted or otherwise made available on or through the Site or through the Services available in connection with the Site.
  • “Users” refer to those individuals who work for an enterprise customer of Quatra and who are registered on Site to access the Services on behalf of the enterprise customer.
  • “Visitors” refer to the individuals who may access the Site which is open to the public free of charge and who may access a limited portion of the Services without registering for an account.
  • “We, “our”, and “us” refer to Quatra delivering the Services.
  • “You” and “your” refer to the individual to whom any given Personal Data covered by this privacy policy refers.

Introduction and Notice

When you visit Site, you are agreeing to this privacy policy and if you are a Member or Visitor, our Terms of Use or, if you are a User, our enterprise software agreement. Except as specifically described, this policy does not apply to data contained within your Submissions.

If you are located anywhere outside of the United States, please be aware that information collected, including any category of personal information (“Personal Data”), will be accessed from, transferred to, processed in, and stored in the United States. The laws in the United States regarding Personal Data may be different from the laws of other countries.  By accessing or using Site, you consent to the transfer, processing, and storage of your information, including Personal Data, in the United States.


Open and Private/Our Use of Your Submissions

We support your ability to work and post algorithms, source code, artifacts, and datasets as private or open. An individual Submission may be designated as either: (i) private, which is only accessible by you and other invited Members or Users, or (ii) open, in which case it is available to the public who access the Site and other Visitors, Members and Users.

  • Open. If you have any Submissions designated as open on our Site, anyone (including us) can view its contents. Any information you post may be indexed by search engines or used by anyone, including Visitors to our Site. We do not permit any Submissions that contain Personal Data or any Regulated Data to be posted to our Site.
  • Private. If you have any Submissions designated as private on our Site, we do not access those Submissions unless: (i) it is required for security, maintenance or support reasons; (ii) with the owner’s or administrator’s consent; (iii) where we believe it is necessary, in our sole discretion, to protect our rights or interests or the safety or security of persons; or (iv) as required by law, such as in response to a validly issued subpoena. In accordance with our Terms of Use, Private Submissions to our Site that contain any Regulated Data, there is a requirement to enter into a separate contractual agreement with us.

If you are a Member, User or Guest, please pay special attention to whether you are uploading a Submission with Personal Data to our Site. We do not monitor your Submissions to determine whether or not they contain any Personal Data. You are responsible for complying with all applicable laws, including privacy regulations with respect to any Personal Data contained in your Submissions.


Collection of Personal Data

We collect information about you directly from you, from third-parties, and automatically through your use of the Quatra Site and Services.

  • Information We Collect Directly from You. The information we collect from you depends on how you use our Site. When you create an account, we collect your name, email address, and enable you to create a user-name and password, and any additional information you choose to give us. We may also collect your payment information for your subscription plan through a third-party payment processor. We may also collect information when you contact us and collect information that you provide to register for an event, request a demonstration of the Services, try out our Services, respond to an online form to subscribe, or to download, newsletters, blogs, attend events or access other content.
  • Information We Collect from Third-parties. We also collect information about you from third-parties, such as organizations you are associated with or with whom you collaborate on our Site. For example, we collect information about you from third-parties in connection with you joining their organization on our Site or collaborating with them, such as your name, email addresses, titles, roles and other information these third-parties provide us. We may also collect information on how you are using the Site in the context of such organization or third-parties and provide that information to the organization you are associated with or with which you are collaborating as described under the Disclosure of Information section below.
  • Information We Collect Automatically. We automatically collect the following information about your use of our Site through cookies, web beacons, and other technologies: your domain name; your browser type and operating system; web pages you view; links you click; your IP address; the length of time you visit or use our Site; and the referring URL, or the web page that led you to our Site. We may combine this information with other information that we have collected about you, including, where applicable, your user name, name, and other Personal Data. Please see the section “Cookies and Similar Technologies” below for more information.
  • Information We Collect from Social Networks. Our Site includes social media features, such as the ability for you to use the “share this” button. These features may collect your IP address, which pages you are visiting on our Site and set a cookie to enable the features to function properly. They are either hosted by a third-party or hosted directly on our Site. This privacy policy does not apply to these features. Your interactions with these features are governed by the privacy policy and other policies of the companies providing them.
  • Information you Provide Us from Social Networks. Members that have registered an account with us may also log into our Site through social networking accounts, including Google or Microsoft, among others.
    • Google. If you log into our Site using Google, you log into your Google account using your Google email address and password. By logging into our Site through your Google account and Google credentials, you are granting us access to your name, email address and profile picture as it is displayed in Google.
    • Microsoft. If you log into our Site using Microsoft, you log into your Microsoft account using your Microsoft email address and password. By logging into our Site through your Microsoft account and Microsoft credentials, you are granting us access to your name, email address and profile picture as it is displayed in Microsoft.
    • Others. If you log into our Site using other social networking accounts, you log into your social networking account using your social networking account email address and password. By logging into our Site through your social networking account and associated credentials, you are granting us access to your name, email address and profile picture as it is displayed in the social networking account.

We store the information that we receive from social networks with other information that we collect from you or receive about you. We do not collect or access your third-party social network passwords nor post content on your behalf. Any third-party social networking site controls the information it collects from you. For information about how they may use and disclose your information, including any information you make public, please consult their respective privacy policies. We have no control over how any third-party site uses or discloses the Personal Data it collects, discloses, or retains about you.

Children’s Privacy. Our Site is intended for use by general audiences and is not directed to or intended for use by children. We do not knowingly collect any Personal Data from children younger than the age of 13. If you believe that we have unintentionally received Personal Data about a minor under the age of 13 years old, please contact us at the numbers below. If we become aware of any collection of Personal Data from children, we will take steps to delete the information as soon as possible.

Purpose and Use of Personal Data

We use the information collected to fulfill the Services you have requested and to provide a more personalized user experience. The type of information collected, used, or processed may depend on the type of Service you have selected. Failure to provide Personal Data may cause some Services to become unavailable.  We use and process your Personal Data for a variety of purposes, including:

  • Customer service. We use your information for customer service purposes, including to provide services to you; to provide you with Member, User and technical support, or other similar purposes; and to establish and update your Member or User account.
  • Marketing. We use your information to contact you for our marketing purposes, including to provide you with special offers, promotions, news, and newsletters; to contact you about products we think may interest you; and for other marketing, advertising, and promotional purposes. We also may use the information that we learn about you and your use of the Site to assist us in advertising our services on third-party websites.
  • Business. We aggregate information regarding Site usage and navigation and use this information for business development purposes, for auditing purposes, to tailor the User, Member or Visitor experience, and to promote the services in presentations, blogs and papers we publish.
  • Administration. We use your information for administrative purposes, including to help us better understand how our Users, Members and Visitors use and access the Site; to identify and repair the Site,  to provide summarized reports to prospective partners, service providers, regulators, and others; to implement and maintain security, anti-piracy, fraud prevention, and other services designed to protect you and us; to enforce this privacy policy, our Terms of Use, our enterprise software agreements, and other policies.
  • Research and development. We use your information for research and development purposes, including to improve our Site, Services, and enhance the User, Member and Visitor experience; to understand our User, Member and Visitor demographics; and for other research and analytical purposes.
  • Hiring Practices. If you are applying to work with us, we will use the information you provide to process your job application and to monitor our recruitment statistics. If you are located outside the United States, we may request additional privacy terms to process the application, and if hired we will provide the privacy terms as part of such employment. We may use third parties to verify information contained in your application. We retain information regarding applicants for 2 years. If you do not want this information retained or if you no longer wish to be considered for a job, you can contact us at the information provided below.
  • Protection of us and others. We use your information where we believe it is necessary to protect us and others. We may use your information to detect, investigate, and prevent activity we think may be potentially illegal, unlawful, fraudulent, or harmful and to enforce our privacy policy, Terms of Use, or Enterprise Software Agreement.
  • Termination of Service. We may, in appropriate circumstances and at our discretion, terminate service and/or access to the Site for Users, Members or Visitors who infringe the intellectual property rights of others.

Information Retention & Accuracy

We rely on the accuracy of the information provided directly to us and encourage you to ensure that the information you provide is accurate, complete and reliable based upon its intended use.

We will retain your information for a period of time consistent with us providing the Services as described in this privacy policy. We retain your information for as long as needed to continue the ongoing business relationship to provide the Services to you. We also retain information as long as necessary to comply with legal obligations; resolve disputes; or to enforce our agreements. We maintain procedures designed for the secure disposal or destruction of Personal Data. You may contact us at any time at link to delete your account and data.

Disclosures of Personal Data & Accountability for Onward Transfer

To provide and market our Services, Quatra may disclose your information with our company affiliates, service providers or sub-processors. Company affiliates may act for us for any of the purposes contained in this privacy policy, including our current and future parent company, subsidiaries, and other companies under common control and ownership with Quatra.

We only share or disclose information with third-party service providers to the extent necessary to provide the requested Services. For example, these providers may be assisting us in such functions as:

  • Data storage and hosting of the Site
  • Security and monitoring of the Site
  • Marketing and analytics
  • Support
  • Event hosting
  • Customer verification
  • Billing and payments

When you submit your payment information, you are authorizing a third-party payment processor, to collect, retain, process, and disclose the financial information you provide as part of that subscription process as well as the information a third-party payment processor collects from you using cookies or other similar means. A third-party payment processor may use that information in accordance with its privacy policy. You may request the privacy policy by contacting the email address in the Contact Us section below.

These companies are prohibited from retaining, sharing, storing, or using Personal Data for any secondary purposes. By contract, we require our sub-processors to maintain appropriate security and privacy measures with respect to PersonalData in accordance with applicable laws and regulations,

We may also share your information in the following ways:

  • Site Members and Visitors. Depending on how you established your profile settings, your user name, name, and profile information may be available to other Site Visitors and Members. We may share your information with other Visitors and Members, who may use that information to contact you, regarding your Submissions or other information you have posted on our Site.
  • Business transfers. We may share your information with another entity if we or any of our current or future corporate affiliates are acquired by or merged with another legal entity, if substantially all of our assets are sold or transferred to another legal entity, as part of a bankruptcy proceeding, or as part of a similar transfer of assets.
  • Program and Content Partners. We often work with third parties to develop white papers or other content and to host and sponsor events, like webinars and conferences. If you access this content or register to sign up for an event, we will share the information you provide to access the content or event with these third-party partners and sponsors. The registration process for events requires providing consent to this privacy policy and terms of use. These third parties may use your information to contact you, including for their own marketing purposes. You can opt out from being contacted by these third parties during the registration process.
  • Aggregate and De-Identified Information. We may share aggregate or de-identified information about Visitors, Users and Members with third parties for marketing, analytics, advertising, research, training or similar purposes.
  • Integrations. We offer Users and Members the ability to use, at the User’s or Member’s discretion, certain third-party services to analyze or process Submissions on the Site (“Integrations”). When you use an Integration, we may share your information with the provider of the Integration you use. We are not responsible for how the provider of the Integration may collect, use, disclose, and share your information. Please review the integration provider’s privacy policy for additional details.
  • ReportsWe may share your information with the owner or administrator of any organization you belong to on our Site or with the owner of any dataset to which you were invited to join as a contributor. This information includes your user name, when and what activities you are conducting on our Site related to that organization or that dataset and how you are interacting with that organization or that dataset. Those owners or administrators determine their own policies regarding storage, access, modification, deletion, sharing and retention of your information which may apply to your use of our Site, and we do not control how they choose to share or disclose your information. We recommend that you periodically check with those owners or administrators about their polices and settings.
  • Customer service. We may share your information with the owner or administrator of any organization you belong to on our Site or with the owner of any dataset to which you were invited to join as a contributor for customer service purposes, including to resolve service issues; to provide you with technical support, or other similar purposes; and to establish and update your subscription account.
  • In response to legal process.  We may use or disclose your information to comply with applicable legal or regulatory obligations, including to respond to a subpoena or court order; to cooperate with law enforcement or other governmental investigations; and as part of legal proceedings. U.S. governmental agencies, courts, or law enforcement may be able to request access or obtain your Personal Data (for example, in response to a court order) or Personal Data contained in your Submissions to the private side of our Site.
  • To protect us and others. We may share your information where we believe it is necessary to:
    • prevent or investigate a possible crime, such as fraud or identity theft
    • to enforce a contract
    • to protect copyrights, trademarks, or intellectual property
    • to protect our and the legal rights of others, our Site, or safety of you, Quatra, our corporate relatives, and our employees, customers, partners, agents, other Members and visitors, or the public in general
    • to enforce our Terms of Use or our enterprise software agreements, as applicable, and this privacy policy
    • to monitor and remediate security issues.

Cookies and Similar Technologies

When you use our Site, we and our service providers use cookies and other mechanisms to track information about your use, navigation, and access of our Site and store it in log files. We or our service providers may combine this automatically collected log information with other information we collect about you, including Personal Data in order to improve the Services we offer you, and to improve marketing, analytics, Site functionality, and overall experience using our data catalog platform.

  • Cookies. We or our service providers may use cookies to analyze trends, administer the Site, or track User, Member and Visitor activity on our Site such as the web pages you view and time you spend on our Site. We or our service providers may use these cookies to recognize you when you revisit the site. Visitors to our Site who disable cookies may not be able to browse certain areas of our Site. Cookies are used for the following purposes:
    • To enable navigation;
    • Simplify registration to events, log-in, or access the Site;
    • To help us analyze your use of the Services and identify improvements; and
    • Assist with our advertising and promotional efforts to market our Services.
  • Types of Cookies: Our web site uses different categories of cookies. These categories include essential cookies, marketing cookies, personalization cookies and analytics cookies. You can opt-out of each cookie category (except essential cookies) by clicking on the “Manage Preferences” in our cookie consent banner or the small cookie icon at the bottom right of your screen. Essential cookies are required to enable the Site to function. and your browser settings may block or alert you to their use, however parts of the Site will not function. These cookies do not store any Personal Data.
  • Clear GIFs, Pixel Tags and Other Technologies. Clear GIFs are tiny graphics with a unique identifier, similar in functionality to cookies, which are embedded invisibly on web pages. We or our service providers may use clear GIFs (also known as web beacons, web bugs, pixel tags, or action tags, among other names), in connection with our Site to perform functions like tracking the activities of Users, Members and Visitors to our Site, helping us manage content, and compiling statistics about usage of and visits to our Site. We or our service providers may also use clear GIFs in emails to help us track email response rates, identify when our emails are viewed, and track whether our emails are forwarded.
  • Embedded Scripts. We use embedded scripts, which is code designed to collect information about how Users, Members and Visitors interact with a website, such as the website which linked them to our Site.
  • Third-Party Analytics. We use service providers to evaluate the access and use of our Site. A full list of analytics providers can be found in the Manage Preferences toolbar by clicking on the small cookie icon on the bottom right of your screen. We may also use other tools and analytic means to evaluate our Site. We use these tools to help us improve our services, performance and User, Member and Visitor experiences. These entities may use cookies and other tracking technologies to perform their services. Please visit these providers privacy policies to determine how they collect and process your personal data.
  • Do Not Track Signals. Your browser or device may include a “Do Not Track” settings. Our Site may not support Global Privacy Controls.
  • Third-Party Ad Networks. We use third-parties such as network advertisers to serve advertisements on our Site and on third-party websites or other media (e.g., social networking platforms). This enables us and these third-parties to target advertisements to you for products and services in which you might be interested. Third-party ad network providers, advertisers, sponsors and/or traffic measurement services may use cookies, JavaScript, web beacons (including clear GIFs), Flash LSOs and other tracking technologies to measure the effectiveness of their ads and to personalize advertising content to you. These third-party cookies and other technologies are governed by each third-party’s specific privacy policy, not this one. We may provide these third-party advertisers with information, including Personal Data, about you.

Third-Party Links or Third-Party Offering

Our Site may contain links to non-Quatra websites and applications. Any access to and use of such non-Quatra websites and applications are not governed by this privacy policy.

As outlined in our Terms of Use or enterprise software agreements, if you install or enable any Third-party Offering for use with the Services, these providers may have access to your Submissions and credentials as required for the interoperation and support of such Third-party Offering with the Services. We are not responsible for any disclosure, modification or deletion of your data resulting from any such access by providers of Third-party Offerings.

We provide integrations to our Services with certain applications and tools listed on the integration page of our Site in order to facilitate your use of the applications and tools you are accustomed to when working with data. Several of these integrations are built by third parties and tool vendors. The use of those integrations, and any applications and tools are subject to your agreeing to the terms and conditions of the providers of those integrations, applications and/or tools, including the privacy policies of such providers. We are not responsible for any disclosure, unauthorized use or unauthorized access to any information you share or provide access to in connection with your use of such integrations, applications or tools or any modification, alteration or deletion of your data resulting form you use of such integrations, applications or tools.

Protection of Personal Data

We have taken steps to help protect the information we collect about you and the data on which you use our Services on the private side of our Site. We maintain administrative, technical, and organizational security measures designed to safeguard information.

  • We take steps to protect information from accidental loss, misuse, or unauthorized or unlawful access, disclosure, alteration, and damage or destruction.
  • We maintain procedures designed to protect and safeguard Personal Data.
  • We enter into confidentiality provisions to protect your information when we interact with third parties to deliver our Services.

Please note that we cannot guarantee the security of any information we have collected about you, the Submissions or data on which you use our Services, and your access and/or use of Site indicates that you understand and accept this risk.

When you establish an account with us, your access to that account is your responsibility. You should take steps to protect your account by, among other things, choosing a strong password that nobody else knows or can easily guess and keeping your log-in and password information private. You should take steps to minimize the risk of others using the Site while your device is logged into your account. If your email or social media account is compromised, you should change your account log on information to your account. We are not responsible for any lost, stolen, or compromised passwords or for any activity on your account via unauthorized password activity.

Your Choices to Manage Your Personal Data

You have certain rights and choices regarding the information we collect about you. For example, you may:

  • Request to access, correct, modify, or delete the Personal Data you submitted to us. If you have created an account on our Site, you may modify the Personal Data you submitted to us through your Account Settings page on our Site.
  • Request to access, correct or modify content you have posted. If you have created an account on our Site, you may directly modify content that you have posted to our Site. You can directly modify access to your content for those Users and Members that you invited to collaborate with you.
  • Opt out of promotional email communications. You may opt out of promotional emails by clicking on the unsubscribe link in the email, or if you have an account with us, by submitting your request through the Help portal on your Account Settings page on our Site.
  • Deactivate your account. If you have an account with us, you may deactivate your account by submitting your request to link.

When you deactivate your account, we delete your account. Unless you request to link that we delete them, your Submissions and the comments and contributions you have made, including to other Members’ or Users’ Submissions, may remain on our Site. If you have created an organization on our Site with Users or Members, that organization will remain on our Site after you have deactivated your account until that organization’s account is terminated. If there are no Users or Members in your organization, we may delete that organization.

  • Withdraw Consent. If you have given us consent to collect or process your Personal Information, you may withdraw that consent at any time.
  • Additional rights regarding EU. If you are based in the EU, and have given permission, we may contact you by email about products, services, promotions, or special offers that may be of interest to you. If you wish to no longer receive these communications, you can opt out at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link or contacting us. You also may have the right to restrict, be forgotten, object to processing of, or request data portability about the personal data collected about you, subject to certain conditions and exceptions. You also have the right to submit a complaint or dispute to a supervisory authority in the country in which you reside, details of which can be provided upon request.
  • Verifying Your Request. We may be required to take steps to verify your identity before acting upon your request to exercise these rights. If we are unable to confirm your identify, we may limit our response to your request.  We will not discriminate against you by either denying services or providing a different level or quality of services for exercising any of these rights. Please note that we may still use aggregated and de-identified Personal Information that does not identify you or any individual.

Notices specific to certain jurisdictions

  • California Rights for Visitors and Site Members. If you are a Visitor or Member and you are a California Resident, California law provides individuals certain rights related to the collection, use, and disclosure of your Personal Information. You have the right to request that we disclose to you the categories of Personal Information and specific pieces of information that we have collected about you. You have the right to request the categories of sources from which we collected the Personal Information, You have the right to understand our business or commercial purpose for collecting or disclosing California Personal Information. You have the right to request that we delete California Personal Information about you which we have collected from you.  You have the right to request certain information regarding the categories of third parties with whom we disclosed your Personal Information.
  • Direct Marketing Purposes. Visitors and Members of our Site who are California residents can request information about the types of Personal Data (if any) shared by us to third parties (if any) for “Direct Marketing Purposes” within the preceding calendar year, as well as the names and addresses of those third-parties. “Direct Marketing Purposes” means the use of certain types of Personal Data to solicit or induce a purchase, rental, lease, or exchange of products, goods, property, or services directly to you. Please note that we may take thirty (30) days to respond to your request.
  • You may mail your request to the address at the end of the Policy or email your request to link. Please (i) put “California Privacy Information Request” in the subject line and in the body of your message and (ii) state that you are a California resident and provide your California address. If you are a User of an enterprise customer of Site located in the EEA, the UK, or Switzerland, we agree to the applicable data processing and international data transfer obligations within our enterprise software agreements (e,g, Software Subscription and Services Agreements, Standard Contractual Clauses (SCCs), Data Processing Agreements, International Data Transfer Agreements, similar agreements, etc.)
  • If you are a Visitor or Member and a resident of the EEA, the UK, or Switzerland, the following information applies. We process Personal Data in various ways as noted above based upon your use of the Site and Services. We process Personal Data on the following legal bases:
    • With your consent;
    • As needed to provide the Services you have requested;
    • As needed for the performance of our agreement with you or to take steps at your request before entering into a contract;
    • As necessary for compliance to legal obligations; and
    • As necessary for our legitimate interests in providing the Sites where those interests do not override your fundamental rights and freedoms related to data privacy. You can object to processing on the basis of legitimate interests at any time, and we will stop processing the Personal Data unless we can demonstrate legitimate grounds that override your rights and interests, or if required to address legal claims or disputes.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

This privacy policy will be updated from time to time. Changes to this privacy policy will go into effect when posted and will only apply to information collected on and after the “Last Updated” date of the revised privacy policy. If revisions to this privacy policy materially affect how we use Personal Data that we collected from you prior to the date of the revised privacy policy, we will notify you through the Site or by other means. We will post any updated privacy policy to our Site. Your continued use of the Site after any such updates to this privacy policy constitutes acceptance of the updated privacy policy.

Contact Us

If you have questions or concerns regarding this privacy policy, please contact us at: 

By email: link